Saturday, August 3, 2019

IT Security Essay -- Cyber-security, Enterprise Security

Denial of service (DoS)- This type of attack occurs when a hacker overloads a server or network device with numerous IMCP (Internet Control Message Protocol) ping requests, such that it is unable to respond to valid requests. By updating to the latest service pack and applying security patches, you can minimize the threat of DoS attacks by reducing the vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP network protocol. Although disabling ICMP can remove valuable troubleshooting tools, it can effectively remove the possibility of DoS attacks. Also, any firewall or security software should be configured to recognize and block these attempts if possible. Back door- In a back door attack, a hacker exploits a coded â€Å"opening† in an application that allows them access to the user’s computer. By educating users to be wary of unknown email sources, attachments, and pirated software and multimedia, you can minimize the possibility of incidents of Trojan Back Door software being installed. Closing unused ports, maintaining updated anti-virus definitions, and running personal firewall software can also reduce the threat of back door software. Null sessions- A NULL session is an attack that exploits weaknesses in the NetBIOS networking protocol. By utilizing Windows XP version or later on PC’s (or switching to Mac! Haha!) and making registry changes to require authenticated users, you can effectively remove the possibility of null sessions. Spoofing- Since spoofing refers to devices that are external to your network mimicking an internal address, configuring your firewall to deny external packets from sending from internal network addresses will prevent this type of attack. Smurf attack- By disabling broadcast addressing on the router, you can eli... ..., 4th ed. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Ryu, C., Sharman, R., Rao, H.R., Upadhaya, S. (2013). Security protection design for deception and real system regimes: a model and analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 201(2), 545-556. Retrieved from Science Direct Database on 20 October 2014. Samuelle, T. (2009). Mike Meyers' CompTia Security+ Certification Passport. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Shim, S., Chae, M, Lee, B. (2013). Empirical analysis of risk-taking behavior in IT platform migration decisions. Computers in Human Behavior,25(6), 1290-1305. Retrieved from Science Direct Database on 20 October 2014. Sullivan, J., Beach, R. (2012), Improving project outcomes through operational reliability: A conceptual model. International Journal of Project Management, 27(8), 765-775. Retrieved from Science Direct database on 20 October 2014.

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